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"When I was five years old my mother told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down happy. They told me I didn't understand the assignment. I told them they didn't understand life."

-John Lennon

I enjoy what I do, which is why I do it. I've had this dream since I was little, of getting my work out there and sharing what I love. This, thanks to inspiration from several friends and family, is my dream realized.

I paint nothing and everything. That's the beauty of it. I take what inspires me and it transforms into something else, depending on who's looking. It might even be the same person, but the evocation morphs as your mood changes. I hope you find the same passion in what I have created, that I fed off of while creating it. This is very personal to me.

I find inspiration in everything. Highs and lows, the elements, industrial backdrops, suburbia, my family, watching my son explore and learn new things. I find inspiration in silence, too. I once painted feverishly. I lost my inspiration because I was looking too hard for it. I learned that you have to let it find you. That is where my first series was born. I preferred not to name any of them because I don't want any preconceived notion of what it is. I just want them to be.  Therefore they are all numbered in the order they were painted. 

Forgive the crude images of my work. I am a painter, a mother, a student, an employee, but I am certainly not a photographer. I'm still learning how to translate a piece from reality to cyber existence. 

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